Monday, 8 June 2015

Introducing GESA Makers Faire 3.0

The Ghana Engineering Students Association (GESA) Makers Faire is a Science and Technology Competition and Exhibition organized annually by Creativity Group in association with GESA . The Faire seeks to feed-on and bring out creativity of students in addressing societal and industrial challenge based on science and technology.
So far, the faire has been organized successfully twice in the school and has brought up various projects and start-ups amongst students based on the core of Creativity and Innovation.
The program started last year, piloting at KNUST with engineering student and so far has 15 innovative solutions has come out of the competition and we are currently working on scaling up some of their solutions to the market.
The program takes a comprehensive and complete approach by providing the students training on designing process, business development, technical development and presentation. The teams are also are paired with successful entrepreneur mentors.
Over 100 students have directly be involved in the program and close to 800 students have benefited directly as non-participants through the program business development and entrepreneurship classes and designing classes.
Should all these projects and innovations pass through their post-competition development program, we are expecting large scale impact; employment and solutions for the community, as a result of these program. Read More at the official Creativity Groups website

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